Monday, January 4, 2010

I'm all for gay rights but...

One day I fell in love with a girl. In retrospect, she wasn't as horrid as I remember, I think the indifference hurt. I failed to even become a "real" friend.

I think girls are cute or cool, attractive, or sweet....

But I find myself indifferent to genders. So I don't consider myself bi.

I consider myself asexual "also known as non its broadest sense, describes lack of sexual attraction....considered a lack of a sexual orientation" (wiki.)

I go to my school's G.S.A. and P.RI.D.E. clubs, but....

I feel out of place, I feel like I don't really belong in the gay community. As if my love for that one girl only allowed me a temporary pass into the GSA world. And now It's expired.

Is this strange?


I still believe in gay rights, I just feel out of place in those meetings and events. I just feel like I don't belong.



  1. Hey I now exactly how you feel. I remember there was a pride org on campus in undergrad and i just knew I would feel out of place. i do think there is a distinction among black gay culture and white gay culture. I felt that I keep my distance and hope I found the group to surround myself around in the future. And sure enough I did. Of course by that point I had graduated and attended another school in another city which is where I currently reside. you should search online and see who or whats out there. Keep on searching and questioning what you dont understand.

  2. Dear Jamar Herrod,

    I don't know how to reply on blogger so I hope you get this somehow.

    What do you feel is the difference between black and white gay culture?

    At my school were very mixed up so I never considered such a difference.

    We have our 1st PRIDE meeting of the season on Thursday, So I don't know how I feel on the subject yet, heh.
