Saturday, February 13, 2010

Cops are ex pot heads?

I was reading this book, a new book I got today to celebrate winter classes being over. It's a fake blog collection or something, very interesting, great for getting back into the swing of things.

Any who, in the book the girl smokes up and in one part her mom's current boyfriend jokes she's gunna' be a cop one day and BAM! I remembered this guy from high school!

Ohhhhmygosh, this guy was the biggest pot head in the school. Like Snoop Dogg status! Ha ha!

He always smelled of pot and cologne. It was actually a good smell. The thing that annoyed me about him was that he had too much money. Brand name head to toe, he was always high with food in his bag and getting by with his easy to get along with nature.

I think he was the person who noticed I had a ass that fateful day in science/biology class. Sigh the one day I didn't wear baggy clothes. But I'm learning to live with that now, annnd that's another story.

I guess I have a good body, a few people have told me so, but.... (mummble mummble) Yeah.

The guy was the biggest stoner sex addict in the world! Heh. He talked about how his sister had a stripper pole in her shower so he'd bring girls to her house sometimes.

Excuse me but I think that's kinda' ew.

His sister's a cop by the way. He wants to be a cop to.


Biggest pot-head man! And his sis was okay with him getting high, as long as she didn't literally see his stash. Oh and if she did it was only a small fine, HE HAD THE MONEY!

I tell you if he becomes a cop he's going to be in the top ten of most corrupt in the area. *sigh* Oh well.

-Vi <3s

(I sarted this last night like after midnight and forgot it in the morning, lol.)

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